C Cpp WebAssembly LLVM
Created a prototype for automatic isolation of C libraries through using SVF static analysis framework, custom LLVM bytecode instrumentation and WasmTime.
Part of an Optional Semester Project at HexHive Lab
Go Distributed Algorithms
Solution to class assignments, implemented some basic primitives like anti entropy gossip, paxos consensus and expanding ring search
Built for CS438 class at EPFL
Scala Spark
Implemented some simple analitical queries on a toy dataset using Spark with Scala.
Built for CS460 class at EPFL
Scala Rust Compilers Interpreters
Implementation of some parts of a compiler backend, including optimization and closure conversion, and of a garbage collector; team project with another student.
Built for CS420 class at EPFL
Java Distributed Programming Concurrent Programming
Implementation of some basic distributed algorithms abstractions (Pefect Links, Uniform Reliable Broadcast, FIFO Broadcast)
Built for CS451 Distributed Algorithms class at EPFL
C Concurrent Programming Lockless Programming
Implementation of a Transactional Memory framework, based on the TL2 Transactional Memory paper
Built for CS453 Concurrent Algorigms class at EPFL
Java Kotlin Typescript Firebase
Android app to show to show all transactions from the user's banks in one interface
Built for Android programming class at VIA University
Cpp Node.js Svelte
Embedded operating systems project, automatic greenhouse with a lan interface to monitor ambient conditions and control actuators
Built for the VIA University Embedded Operating Systems course
Typescript Svelte SQL
Web interface to show analytics on the data collected by the ThreekEco project
Part of my work at HKN-Polito university team
Telegram bot that predicts waste type using an external backend service, built in Python3 using SQLAlchemy to interact with the database
Part of my work at HKN-Polito university team